Our family's heart is filled with the hope of our calling in Christ Jesus and we want to share! Our home town and now Hope Clinic is where we are called. We want to share our adventure with you!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014



Here's a great video (created by Steve Oproek with lots of love!!Thanks Steve!) that we have to represent our trip before we go.  Watch, enjoy, and learn a little more about why we are going and what we are expecting God to do while we are there!

Our airline tickets have been purchased - Yay! They were even cheaper than we could've imagined! We are now awaiting the visa application process...and we need two, one for Liberia where we fly into and one for Guinea.  It is a little tenuous as we have to apply by sending in ALL of our actual passports with the applications, one at a time, and within 3-4 weeks of our trip!  If we apply too early, the visas will run out before our return date and then we won't be able to leave the country to come home!  We need prayer that the timing is just perfect and that they don't lose our passports in the process!

We also just found out the overnight accommodations we thought were in place for when we land in Liberia are not available.  So we need a place to stay for one night in Monrovia...anyone have any connections?! haha!

We are excited about planning the April 5 "Celebration of Hope" party!  We will play the video and show lots of pictures, have live story-telling from those who've made the trip before us, have fun activities for you and your kids to participate in getting things ready for our trip, plus we'll have lots of yummy food!  So plan to come join us at the Riverenza!

Prayer Requests:

-Continue to pray for the boxes of laparoscopic equipment to arrive safely and on time

-Pray for our visa application process

-Pray for a place for us to sleep in Monrovia that first night we land

-Pray for our April 5th party!

-Pray for those people we will come in contact with while we are there, that we can help them medically and also share Christ's love with them

Sunday, March 2, 2014


We all got our shots tonight!!  Jackie Gust (of Good News Clinics) who's done all of Jeff's shots for the past two years, braved the nasty Gorge weather to come to our meeting tonight and give us all our shots!  Thank you, Lord, for her safety!  Everyone was really brave... few screams here and there but overall a pretty tough crew!!  Jen still has a few more to get (Jackie thought that 6 shots at one time tonight was enough to put her immune system into overload) so the last few will come over the next few weeks...she was a little behind in her immunizations!  Plane tickets should be purchased this week.  We have a short presentation at church this week so be on the lookout for that cool video (we will post online after Sunday)!  We will plan to pass out prayer cards that day too.

The boxes you all have been wondering about and praying for are on their way across the ocean!  They made it to the East coast and are sailing across the Atlantic now.  We have been told there could be a hold-up at the receiving port in Conakry, Guinea because of the unloading/check-in time.  Plus then the drive time to the clinic.  Please, continue to pray for their safe and timely arrival at Hope!

Thank you all, in advance, for all of your prayers and support for this exciting journey!  We are seeing God working EVERY DAY in our lives here...by seeing very real fears calmed, good airline prices, worries taken care of, plans falling into place in perfect timing.  We are so excited to be able to be a part of this ministry! Our friends at Hope Clinic are VERY excited to have us all come and share in their ministry there, too! They are very grateful for every prayer, every effort, to further Christ's message through Hope Clinic!