Our family's heart is filled with the hope of our calling in Christ Jesus and we want to share! Our home town and now Hope Clinic is where we are called. We want to share our adventure with you!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Internet has been resurrected!

You don't know what you've got til it's gone! The Internet has not been functioning for @24hrs here, which has caused me to remember where in the world I am and how grateful I am to be able to communicate with friends on the other side of the world. It's hard to believe that the end of the first week is coming to a close. We were able to see many new pts yesterday with plans for many surgeries next week. I just finished rounds this am with Dr. Simeon,the medicine physician, which was good for me. I have quickly been learning tropical medicine, and have had to forget about a lot of typical American diseases. I am getting to know my pts well and their families. The young boy who required the amputation is doing well. He has amazing pain tolerance. We continue to make plans for his femur repair this upcoming week. I covet your prayers for the planning process which will be crucial for success. The last couple of nights have been conducive to sleeping with the cool weather. The temps have been in the 60's, which allows me to have a few hrs when I'm not sweating continuously, but causes the folks here to arrive in the am wearing their winter jackets. it has been beautiful and sunny without a drop of rain since my arrival. I've been told that it hasn't rained here for over two months. The staff at the Clinic are incredibly generous with their time and we have had the opportunity to eat in several homes and enjoy the local cuisine. The Albright's have graciously invited me to travel to a nearby village to visit with a young couple who are attempting to start a new church. I'm excited to see a new village and mingle with the people. Sunday should be awesome, with the opportunity to go to church in the village. I'm grateful for the weekend and the rest. I'm also thankful for your prayers and correspondence, which have served as a great encouragement. God bless, Jeff


  1. WOW. what a busy week already!!
    Rest well this weekend. Praying for you!

    1. Hey Tammy, hope you guys are doing well. It has been a refreshing day here. Thanks for your words of encouragement. Say hi to Corey and the kids. Jeff

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Welcome back! We really missed hearing about your day but are grateful the problem was just the internet. How refreshing to have the cooler temps for sleeping. May you rest well this weekend and enjoy the people. We love you and continue to pray for you daily. Mom

    1. Hey Mom, thanks for responding on the blog so faithfully. I didn't realize what a blessing this would be, especially since I'm unable to open any Emails. Have had a relaxing day. Headed to see pts for evening rounds. Say hello to Dad for me. Praying for you guys as well. Jeff

  4. Hey, doc, I have a hangnail. Can you fix that for me when you get home in three weeks?

    Wow, your Thursday message sounded like quite a challenge. I passed on the essence of it to my students yesterday and challenged them to think big about how God can use them in their futures.

    Glad to read that it has been going well for you. Be sure to bring back some of those Guinean recipes you have been scarfing down; we could sample them at our next family get-together.

    Have a good day Sunday as you have a crosscultural worship experience. We expect you to sing in Guinean upon your return.

    Thanks for keeping us informed about your work and social happenings. Keep spreading God's love where He has planted you for this time.

    Best wishes and love,


  5. Hey Dad, good to hear from you. Concerning the hangnail... I would suggest sit ups! Concerning the Guinean recipes and music... We will need lots of rice and bongos.

    If I were to share with anyone about this opportunity or missions in general, I would urge college kids to just go while they are still young to allow them to gain an accurate view of the world. Thats what MOI trips provided for me. I wish also that I had ignored all of the excuses I hid behind, and elected to go much earlier in my life as well. That being said, the vital part of the message is, just go...

    Thanks again for your words of encouragement and for your prayers. It will be fun to sit and chat upon my return. Love ya guys, Jeff
