Our family's heart is filled with the hope of our calling in Christ Jesus and we want to share! Our home town and now Hope Clinic is where we are called. We want to share our adventure with you!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

This is Jen. I will try to get Jeff to post about his preparations for the trip. He is very busy working lots of call to make up for the month he will be gone. Until you get a good post from him,(he's a much better writer than I am) go to www.hopeguniea.org to check out the clinic he is going to and see their mission. It is clear they love the Lord and want to share His love with all they come in contact with AS they help them medically. It is overwhelming to hear (watch the testimonials) their passion and love for their people. Kudos to them for reaching out and teaching their own people to become medical caregivers and technicians!

1 comment:

  1. Jeff and Jen,
    What a joy to have you guys up front and have the family pray!!! I was truly touched and encouraged to see how much you and your family are loved. I anticipate the awesomeness of how God is going to use you Jeff in Africa and Jen how deeply He is going to bless you at home! I will be praying for each of you and your kids each day! Thanks for making the choices to serve!
