Our family's heart is filled with the hope of our calling in Christ Jesus and we want to share! Our home town and now Hope Clinic is where we are called. We want to share our adventure with you!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

An Average Day... In Guinea

We all awoke fairly early this morning, not having slept very well due to music blaring all thru the night. Con and Kel went to Lola to complete the water reservoir project and arrive home at about 4:30, after having a good day. I spent the day with Dr. Jean who allowed me to assist him with a cleft lip repair, which I haven't seen for 15 years. It was fascinating to watch this child's life being transformed before our eyes. We did another small case, and saw several consults in between. The young boy with the tumor on his head returned, and unfortunately his skull X-rays demonstrated that a section of his skull may have been eroded, and there was a direct connection with the brain. We explained that we couldn't resect this mass, but could remove a lymph node, and I could take it back to the states for evaluation. However , the best option was to travel to Conakry and get a CT scan, and possible treatment. The boy's father told us they tried to do that, but we're told it would cost them about 1000$ to do so. They had come to Hope, hoping to find good medical care at a better price. Dr. Jean asked me to pray for this boy and his trip to Conakry, and then we shook hands, and they disappeared. We sat silent for a few moments, letting the emotion of this situation sink in, and then moved on to others that could be helped. The truth is, we will probably never see this boy again, but God knows where he is, and holds his future in his hands. This evening we enjoyed dinner with the Albright's, our host family, and are now sitting and catching up on Emails and Facebook. Plans are for the guys to work in clinic tomorrow and I will spend the day seeing consults with Dr. Jean. I may have a chance to meet with Modey tomorrow as he is due to return to the clinic for evaluation of his leg. He now has a prosthesis for the other leg and is walking without an assist device. Only God knows the other folks we will meet that come to Hope for help...


  1. Hi, thanks for the update. Wow! Seeing Modey tomorrow will be an exciting meeting for both of you. I am so glad the boys will get to meet him too. Not much going on here. Jen said she was coming home today. I hope they had a good time. Glad your mom and dad are home safe too. Mar's hand doing fine - had it redressed today. Going to a BBQ for small group tonight. Carry in always fun but not on diet. Praying as always - love and miss you guys a lot. Love, Judi

    1. Got to see Modey and Mamadou(boy with the head wound) today. They are both doing well. Big hugs and smiles all around... Glad to hear Gpa is healing well. Sounds like Jen and the guys had a good time and made it home safely. Con and Kel are doing well. Pizza night here tonight! Thanks for your prayers.

  2. Praying for y'all! Sounds like it has already been quite the adventure. Sad for the boy who came in who may never find earthly healing for his body...but for his spirit, he just might!

    1. Thanks for praying-- I hear Texas prayers are the biggest... Sadness is a daily part of medicine, just tougher when it's with kids... Hope all is well. Feels like Texas here-- hot and sticky! HI to Corey and the kids.
      Au revoir!

  3. It sounds like all three of you have had a full day! Praying you will get more uninterrupted rest tonight. It will be exciting to see Modey again, and walking! Hope the boys get to meet him too. It will be fun to hear all about the boys activities at the clinic. I know the Lord will use all three of you in very special ways for His glory. May the people see the love of Jesus in you! Love, Mom

  4. More of a relaxing day today, and all slept well last pm. Did see Modey today-- he looked great! Good to see him up and about. The guys worked in the administrative office this am, and we're given the afternoon to rest and relax. They have jumped right in and are fitting in well. God is alive and well here, easier to see Him here than anywhere I have ever been. Thanks for your prayers,
    Love, The Three Stooges(that was for Dad...)
