Our family's heart is filled with the hope of our calling in Christ Jesus and we want to share! Our home town and now Hope Clinic is where we are called. We want to share our adventure with you!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Joyous Reunions

Dr. Yaraduono graciously scheduled Modey and Mamadou to return to the clinic today for follow up evals, and to see me. Modey is up and about on his repaired femur and his X-rays look great. His prosthesis is still being modified, so he is using a walker, but smiling from ear to ear. Mamadou's facial wounds have healed completely, he has restored hearing, and gave me a big hug, despite cultural norms. He faces some facial reconstruction for his jaw in November. Con and Kel worked in the administrative office this am, and have had the afternoon to relax and catch up on sleep after being ill and traveling. They plan to go hiking on a nearby mountain in the morning with Amos, Jairus's son. God has been great about providing young men for them to hang with who speak excellent English. We have had more rain and sunshine here, with the stickiness of the humidity I remember from growing up in the Midwest. Nights have been cool, which is good for sleeping. This week has seen many children with malaria and infections improve significantly, and a few have been able to return home. August is a slower month here at Hope due to Ramadan, and because this is considered "hungry month". However, surgery has remained steady, which is essential for the health of the clinic. All in all, a very fun day, full of rejoicing.


  1. What a joy to reconnect with the teenage pts. from your last trip and see for yourself they are doing well. God is good! I was thinking of the boy that had to leave without treatment for his scalp tumor and read this morning...Jer.32:17 "Ah, Sovereign Lord, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstetched arm. Nothing is too hard for You." Praying for healing for his body and salvation for his soul. Some things we just need to leave at the feet of Jesus and let God work. Remind me to tell you about the girl I talked to about Jesus at the airport the other day. Praying for her too, and hope to meet her in heaven someday.

    I love reading Connor's FB updates. He seems busy, thankful, and joyful. Kellen, however, still needs to accept my friendship on FB. He must just be so busy to even click on that. HA!
    Love them both and so excited they are with you.

    Thank you for the daily updates. So thankful for the technology to keep in touch this way. Who would have ever thought that when I told God I would do anything for Him, even go to Africa as a missionary ,(I was 18), that I would be communicating with my sons and grandsons in Africa this many years later. God probably just smiled knowing what a whimp I was, and that He had better plans. Rejoicing with you today. Love, Mom

    1. Great verse from Jeremiah, truly speaks to the ways God works of which we are unaware. The guys are doing well, ministering as they are asked and have felt led. I'm not a Facebooking type of guy, but will encourage Kel to pick it up a notch and spend some time chatting with his Gma. We are all happy for some time to relax this weekend before we get busy next week. Thanks for the encouragement and prayers.

      Love, Jeff

  2. Hey stud-

    I have finally had time to read a few of your blogs. Wow, looks like you are doing great. I am so happy for Modey and his repaired femur. What an awesome feeling that is to know that God has used you, in a situation you weren't all to comfortable with, and done a miracle. What a blessing to Modey AND you.

    I have to go, have another patient. Will catch up later. Miss you bro. Tell Con and Kel hi for me. I am going to go swim in your pool while your gone...I just haven't told Jen yet:)

    Miss you bro
    God Bless
    Vaio Con Dios

    1. Just promise me you will bring a suit when you swim. If not, please no pics, I'm begging you... Definitely an encouraging day to see both of those boys. They appear to have healed well in many facets of their lives. Thanks for blogging in the office. I'm looking for a phoropter on EBay... You'd have a blast here...

      Au revoir,

  3. Dr. Ogden would probably let me bring his phoropter, we would also need a lensometer...

    I promise to bring shorts...but I may sneak in at night, I know where the keys are:) She wouldn't know I was skinny dipping anyway...its dark!!!

    Miss you bro...love ya
    PS - I went and saw the skin doctor, he has a couple moles for you to "remove with conservative margins". I believe they are ones that we did punch biopsies before on and he just wants to make sure they are still just moles. So when you get back, its back to work, on my back...back...back...lots of backs in that sentence.

  4. Hate to argue with ya man, but with your stark white skin, you could be spotted at midnight on an overcast night! Thus the reason for biopsies, margins, and back, back, back... We will have to spend some time talking about details for you to come to Hope for the next trip.

    Here's hoping you are wearing sunscreen-- SPF 800!


  5. Good to read your updates. What a blessing to see Mobey and Manadou. I hope you took a picture to compare the before and now. So I guess the people enjoy their music loud, late, when it cools down? That must be tough for your patients if they can't sleep through that. I know you don't need much sleep so I won't worry about you! Stay healthy, keep up the Good Work set before you!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Fred. Seeing those kids again recharged my batteries after a long trip. No music tonight because of the rain-- just one more blessing the rain provides. We are sleeping pretty well. Getting ready for church in the am.

      God bless,


  6. Good Morning good buddy. I took your wife and mother in law and Taz (thats Crae's nickname now) to the Pastime in Dufur after we dropped off the kids at camp. Had an awesome Pastime Burger....oh wow, going to need to do a weeks worth of insanity to burn off those calories.

    I hope all is "party rockin" for you over there. God is working miracles and you are his messenger. How exciting. Things are good here. Lindsay and I are trying to get the rental all finished. I just spent the weekend (15 hrs of it) sanding the floors and getting them ready for sealer and polyurethane. They are going to look nice (so some renter can destroy them...ugghh)

    Now its back to work. Friday was my busiest day ever in the history of this office, I felt like a skopsurgeon. It was crazy, today is crazy too. I love my job though, to it makes it good.

    Tell Kell and Con that I am holding up the fort on COD and will need them to come back so I can show them how much better I am then they are. I hope the are have a life changing experience...I am sure they are.

    This is LB signing out for now. Miss you Bro

    Lova ya

    The Crazy Eye Geye

    1. Dude, The guys are ready for a COD throw down upon return and both believe they could beat you while jet lagged... Thanks for treating my family to the Cuisine de Jour at the Pasttime. They really ought to provide Lipitor and Alka Selzer with those burgers. Glad to hear the floors are almost done at the rental, can't wait to get my roller blades out... Glad all is well here. Thought of you today when I found shelves and shelves of eyeglasses sitting in the X-ray suite today. Hope the kids have fun at camp.

      Kutting Strate, Matty
