Our family's heart is filled with the hope of our calling in Christ Jesus and we want to share! Our home town and now Hope Clinic is where we are called. We want to share our adventure with you!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Eighty degrees and sunny again...

The people at Hope continue to amaze me with their ability to show love and concern for every individual who arrives to be evaluated. Today was a slow but profitable day in the OR, which allowed us to evaluate several walk-in pts for surgery tomorrow and next week. Some folks come from 100's of miles away, from towns that have bigger hospitals, choosing to be seen here because of the impeccable reputation of Hope Clinic. People come prepared to stay for surgery the following day in order to avoid the added expense of returning home. Some are dropped off at the clinic and instructed not to call for a ride home until they are "fixed". The OR team is a very friendly and eager group that is prepared to work longer hours in order to learn more about surgical technique. Jairus, the anesthetist, has served as my interpreter for every pt interaction since my arrival, and finds a way to keep smiling despite the quick pace that we maintain in order to see as many pts as possible. Pray for rest for him at night and renewed energy each day in order to put up with me! Guinea is currently enjoying the dry season and most days see bright sun and 80-85 temps with nighttime temps of @60 degrees. I have been promised that it will rain while I'm here, and that there is no rain comparable to an early season African downpour. I'm slowly acclimating to the heat and now able to see pts or operate without losing 5 lbs/day due to fluid losses. Thanks to all of you who have been responding on the blog or sending other Emails. We have plans to go to the village for dinner again this evening, so until tomorrow... Jeff


  1. Hi, you are doing really good at posting and you are fitting in like a glove. So happy you are enjoying all that is happening. Your talking about sweating in the heat - I suppose you have an assistant wiping your brow??? Just like on TV. We are all getting along here. Hate to tell you that you are missing some great games. I am sure you know - Kels game yesterday - they beat St. Mary's and Kel played his best game - ten points and good rebounds. And Con's game Monday was so great. He played amazing. Even tho they lost, Con did outstanding. So proud of both. Jen is doing okay - at least she says so - it's good you guys can skype. So happy for you and this amazing opportunity. We are praying. Love, Judi

    1. Thx for posting on the blog. I just realized that the blog responses come to my Email as well and if I answer them off of the blog and just on my Email, they get sent to my outbox! I'm sure everyone that has been blogging me thinks I'm ignoring them! Sounds like the guys are playing some good ball. Sounds like a fairly good effort tonight against Pendleton. Thx for the love, Jeff

  2. Hey, thanks for the pictures of the clinic...especially to see that you have all the pillows placed properly!!!
    Praying for you and your family

    1. Hey Mattie-

      Just looked at the pics jen posted. What an amazing view out of your back window. That is beautiful. Also, love the photo as you go into the OR. What a comfort that must be to know you are surrounded by Christians who are there to do God's work. Go get em' "hand and feet"

      Love you brother, will chat tomorrow.


    2. Hey Doug, great to hear from you. Hope all is well with you and Becky. I'm enjoying truly understanding what it means to be salt and light at the uttermost parts of the earth. Your pillow fetish is somewhat concerning, however! Many prayers for you today, my friend.

    3. Ryan, thx for the love , bro! Starting to investigate how a eye doc might be helpful here. Funny thing, everyone here has two eyes as well! Salt and light to you my friend! Jeff

  3. So I stink at blogging. This is my third attempt. Just know that the previous two are living somewhere in this mess of cyber social media you call a blog...and they were exceptionally witty. At any rate, good to hear you have stopped sweating like a....like an American in Africa. Soak it up and give 'em Jesus, bro'.


    1. You think you are bad at blogging! I should have brought along my multi media assistant ! To bad I'm too cheap to hire such a person... You should see me attempt to Skype! Thx for the love, Bro. So much being Jesus to the world while being allowed to operate! Say hi to Shannon and the girls!

  4. Dad and I read your posts everyday and are enjoying the trip with you. I just knew you would fall in love with the people. I'm praying you will have a special opportunity to show someone the love of Jesus. Glad you are getting used to the heat as I don't imagine there is air conditioning in the OR. If you are losing 5# a day from sweating you just might come home skinny.:) Jill and I are interested in what you are eating, especially when you go "out" to eat. Don't forget to bring us some recipes! Love you much, Mom

  5. I wish I could help Agnes mop your brow, but then I would need her to mop mine too! I'll just pray instead. Now aren't you glad about that? :)

    1. Thanks for reading the blog with Dad. Your prayers are a daily comfort and provide great peace. Hope all is well with you both. Love, Jeff

  6. Hey Mom, thanks for staying in touch. Believe it or not, they do have air conditioning to some degree in the OR, and graciously turn it on for me, despite the fact they are freezing. I have eaten lots of rice with "sauce" , beef, mangos, pineapples, bananas, plantains, and even had some chicken tonight.
