Our family's heart is filled with the hope of our calling in Christ Jesus and we want to share! Our home town and now Hope Clinic is where we are called. We want to share our adventure with you!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Truly a Humbling Day

Ive always believed everyday in the OR is different, but today strengthened that conviction. We were able to do 3 fairly standard cases efficiently, however that came to a screeching halt due to our next new consult. We were asked to evaluate a 17 year old boy who was struck by a drunk driver 6 wks ago. There were approximately a dozen related fatalities at the scene. He was scooped up and taken to a nearby hospital and was found to have a badly fractured ankle. This was unfortunately treated by amputating his leg immediately above the ankle with the wound left open. His parents heard about Hope and drove him here today for help. He also has a left femur fracture that was not reduced appropriately, and the bones are not aligned. He appears to have a wrist fracture as well. We were able to convert his amputated leg to a more formal below the knee amputation, that when healed, will allow him to be fit with a prosthesis to walk again. However, there is the issue of his femur fracture... I have been attempting all day to send Jen pics of his X-rays so that she can show them to an ortho surgeon. The Internet connection has been difficult today. There are no ortho surgeons in Guinea. My hope is that he can instruct me in the best way to manage this femur fracture. I have not been involved in a femur repair for @ 15 years, thus am out of my element on this one. Fortunately, the surgeon here has two excellent ortho texts that I am currently reviewing. Some of you have asked how you can pray... Please pray that the Internet connection here will allow for transfer of these X-rays to the US for review and consultation. Also, please pray that we will be able to help this young man as best we can to allow him an opportunity to walk again. James 1:5 says, If any of you lacks wisdom, ask God... And it will be given to you. Again, thank you to all who have been sending notes of encouragement, and who have been upholding us here at Hope, in your prayers. If I miss answering any of you, please stick with me, and I will keep trying to become blog-savvy. Jeff


  1. Yes, we will certainly pray for this young man and that you will be able to help him. Praying the internet connection will work enough to get consult soon. It's shocking that they actually amputated for an ankle fracture!

    Dad had the stent removed on Tues. late afternoon and has had a couple of rough days, but doing better today. He even took pain med.:) Of course he never missed a minute of work!
    We are both fine and so happy for your opportunity to serve people and God in Africa!Praying for your strength, wisdom and good health too. Love you! Mom

  2. We will keep praying for you and how you can help him with his leg. He must be tuff to be able to handle that leg for 6 weeks. Its pretty awesome that we can see what you are up to helping out these people.


    1. Hey Smitty, thx for hangin on the blog. It's the only way I've been able to correspond the last day and a half. Hope all is well with you and Summer and the girls. Let me know how Leadership meetings are going. Thx for your prayers. Matty

  3. Praying about this one this morning. Micah 6:8...Justice for the broken...We all are.


    1. Thx man for that verse. What an accurate description of this young man. He needs more than just good medical care. Only Christ can support him through what will prove to be a very challenging existence. Hope all is well. Love ya, Bro.

  4. You are there for such a time as this...read this last night before going to bed. Prayed then and woke up thinking and praying about it all this morning. Your title is so fitting...humbling just to read about. Be encouraged that you are being lifted up in prayer today by several people as the Great Physician provides wisdom. Praying God grants that perfect peace that passes all understanding to this young man and family. Praying you get rest and sleep.
    -Jill for all.

    1. Thanks for your encouragement and prayers. It is comforting to know my whole family is reading Gods Word and sharing timely Scripture with me. Scott would love this place-- their are projects to do to improve or maintain the physical plant that could keep one busy for awhile! I see Gods faithfulness here continuously. Thx for the love, Jeff

  5. Praying and reading this morning: Ps. 145:18 "The Lord is close to everyone who prays to him, to all who truly pray to him." And: Ps. 29:11 "The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace." May you, your staff and patients experience God's presence and peace today. Love you!

    1. That's pretty cool! I read those same verses in Psalm 29 today as well... Coincidence? I doubt it! Thx for your encouragement and steadfast prayer. Say hello to Dad for me. Hope he is well. Love ya both, Jeff
