Our family's heart is filled with the hope of our calling in Christ Jesus and we want to share! Our home town and now Hope Clinic is where we are called. We want to share our adventure with you!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

God knows exactly what we need

Today started in an interesting fashion. Two of our 4 OR pts did not arrive, and the 7 mth old with the hernia arrived with a full stomach, so we had to reschedule til tomorrow. That left us with only the femur fx to do. We did find the power drill, and then took two hours to sterilize all of the equipment. We finally made an incision at 11:17am, and by 3:15, we were finished. What transpired in the middle of those two times, is nothing short of a miracle. Once the fx was exposed, and the large bone callous was removed, we were forced to paralyze and incubate the pt in order to reduce the fracture. It required 4 people to work together in order to bring the two ends in line and then three people to hold the bone as I began to drill. However, we were unable to find the chux(sp)to tighten the drill, and despite my best efforts, the drill bit kept slipping. Eventually, we were able to use two tools that aren't normally associated with drills, and the bit held, and the plate was placed and held the femur together nicely. Even now as I write this, I'm fighting to hold back tears of joy because of the end result, and because we all felt God with us today in the OR... The dust is beginning to move on and we did see the sun for the first time in two days. We expect to receive many upper respiratory infxs this week because of the dust. The clinic was quieter today. God certainly allowed me to focus on just one boy, just one case, just one broken leg, just one young man who may get to walk again... Never will I question again whether God knows what is best for me. Thank you all for your prayers for He was close today...


  1. Hey good buddy, this post brought tears to my eyes. Isn't it amazing how God works. You stress out about how your going to handle this tough case, then he makes it work because your other 2 no show and one shows up but had eaten... DOESN'T GOD ROCK!! He is the all important party rocker!!! What an honor it must be to know that GOD did that for you, he know you were concerned, and he cared enough to make it good for you. It was good for you because it was good for Him. That must make you feel awesome. What you are doing is so awesome, I am so proud of you. To call you my friend. I love you brother, keep up the good work. Be prepared for some URI this week from all the sand...YOU ROCK.




    1. I'm fairly certain I will never be able to talk about this young man without tears coming to my eyes. He still is at a great disadvantage in this culture, but there is hope... This was definitely a high-five situation, and nobody does that here. I had to teach a few folks how to do that! As I walked back to my room, it struck me me how little training I had for a case like this, but at how confident I felt even in the face of adversity. God is awesome... That's the only explanation. Thx for celebrating with us from afar. The whole clinic has adopted this kid, and the place was buzzing tonight. My prayers continue for him to have a heart change as well. Miss ya my friend on a night like tonight. Matty

    2. Well dude, its 11:30pm your time and I bet you are asleep, but I will tell you that I have been giving you prayer hi fives all day baby. So proud and excited for you. It brings tears to my eyes to think about the lives you are changing and the things you are witness. What a testimony to your faith, what a "come to Jesus" moment that you get to have, everyday, for 3 weeks. Everybody could use this. I am getting excited to have you come home and fill me in on all great stuff you learned and great things you saw. How awesome. God bless good friend

    3. I've decided that the whole " Come to Jesus" moment that we all experience, can be a lifestyle guide, the rhythm of our soul. How many times have we all said, "salt and light, hands and feet?" Truly, one doesn't have to go to Guinea for it to qualify as going, but this has been a jump start for my spiritual heartbeat that will burn forever in my gut. The most difficult place in the world for this excitement to be evident, will be at home, but with God's help, it is possible and imperative. It is a unique fashion in which to serve, by meeting a physical need, so that a patient's heart becomes receptive to their spiritual need. The easier facet of a ministry like this in the States, is that anyone who comes to Christ doesn't have to relocate and put their family behind because of the fear of death due to the Islamic influence that is predominant here in Guinea. We have no excuse but to live a Godly life and speak His name continuously. All we have to do is go... No matter where He takes us... Love ya man, Matty

    4. So true my friend. It is truly amazing what we forget about in the states because our lives are so "easy and simple". Yet we concern ourselves with busy schedules and stress out about stupid little things. Guinea will always be a "reality check" for you when you get back here, about just how the world really is, and why the little things maybe aren't that big of a deal. Love you Have a great day, I am sure I will write more later.

  2. Praise the Lord Almighty, He brought you through! First of all the drill was found. Then when you needed that drill the most it didn't work right...what frustration! What an intense situation and awesome teamwork from your OR staff. But, really it was God who held everything together today and prayers have been answered in a marvelous way. Today I'm so thankful for your intense personality and "stick-to-it" ways. God took you to Guinea for this specific surgery knowing you wouldn't give up on this young man. Praying his leg will heal well and someday he will be able to walk again. Even more importantly, I'm praying he will come to know Jesus in a real way, because you said "yes" to the Lord when He called you to go to Guinea. I'm proud of you and love you. So thankful that you love God and praying that love for Him will grow stronger everyday. Mom

  3. Your words ring very true to me tonight. When I came here, the volume of cases was so important to me. There are so many people here who need help. But today's events have shown me that giving this kid some hope is enough, and my soul is peaceful... Thank you for your earnest prayers and words of praise to our great Lord. This is truly a special place... Love ya, Jeff

  4. What a great story! Great to catch up with your last few days. I am no doctor, but it sounds like you are on the receiving end of a bit of soul surgery that can only be found in "going". Sorry to hear about the dust issue. Having always been a bit of a mouth-breather myself, I do not like the sounds of that. Thanks for living some stories these weeks that I can share with our girls. They will be impacted as we talk about what Uncle Jeff is up to in Africa.

    Justice with a crappy drill...love it...


    1. For sure! I am learning to breathe through my ears! You can ask your girls to pray for Modey, that his leg heals over the next month. We will not allow him to weight bear until then in order for the bone to heal. I'm sad that I will not be here to see him walk again. He also needs Jesus in his heart, and that is the focus everyday, every interaction. Amazing there is even a drill to use in the jungle...more bone work to do today-- Ugh! That drill again! Thx for hangin on the blog. Jeff

  5. That is so awesome, I wish I could have sent you a new drill overnight express! But this makes a better testimony of God working despite ourselves and our tools. Very exciting to read your blog everyday, keep up the faith!! here is a high five!!

    1. Thx for the high five, Fred! I'm thinking about bringing my own drill next time. Who new orthopedics could be so fun?! God has proven he can work wonders despite using me, a very imperfect instrument, indeed! Hope your Leadership,Meeting went well the other night. Thx for blogging! Jeff

  6. I am so happy for the young man you helped heal today,so grateful for your wisdom, and inspired by your willingness to serve others - everyone at Medical Teams continues to keep you in our prayers.

    1. Thank you for praying for us here at Hope! This is a place where God's presence is so apparent. The heartbeat of each staff member is in rhythm with God's leading. Out of terrible illness and injury, in a predominantly Islamic country, He is glorified. Thx for your encouragement, Jeff

  7. wow. soooo amazing.
    tears and prayers!! love it.

  8. Hey Tammy, what an amazing God-filled, adrenaline high! He is truly faithful. Hello to all of you in Tyler. Thx for the love, Jeff

  9. Hey, doc, don't wear out that drill. I need you to bring that here when you are in the areas to complete some tasks I haven't been able to get to -- spending too much time doing situps.

    Glad you are doing a lot of people a lot of good. The Dalles will not be getting back the same doctor who went to Guinea.

    Take care. Work hard. Don't forget time for relaxation.


  10. You know what they say, if you've got a hammer, everything looks like a nail! Fortunately you have a very talented son-in-law in Scott, who is actually useful when it comes to fixing things well around the house! Funny, Jen never asks me to fix things around our place... Hmmmm... It's funny you brought up sit-ups. I awoke this am and realized I strained my left hamstring and calf muscles yesterday while attempting to reduce that femur fx! Not as young as I used to be... I'm not sure anyone could come to Hope and leave the same person. This place kinda grows on ya. Another busy day today, but should be profitable. Thx for blogging, Jeff

  11. Dude. All I can say is WOW!! GOD is AWESOME!! His timing is perfect. He will never give you more than you can handle. Your Mom is right, you will be forever changed my friend! Praying for him to know Christ!


    1. Well said, my friend. Had a good day today as well. Fixed another leg fx, but not near as difficult as yesterday. It's amazing how easy it is to use a drill when you have the chuck! Hope all is well there with you and Summer and the chicas. Thanks for blogging w me. Matty

  12. Wow what an amazing few days...Just reading through it, I was on the edge of my seat. God is so much more than we can even grasp at understanding. We are all so proud of your work through Him! It is a great privilege to be part of your experience. I too have been giving you high fives all day, as well as continually being overcome by tears of emotions for you and your OR staff. What a blessing to be in this place at this time, where each day God's perfection and completion are experienced.

    The three weeks that I got to spend in Africa years ago were not nearly as meaningful, (by means of doing God's calling) yet I am forever changed by God's love, poured out to me through His people there. HE is alive and working in their lives. Remeber it is HIM persuing them...and you answering His call. Keep it up, we can't wait to hear more. We will keep praying a hedge of peace and understanding for you, as well as continued prayer for your staff, your patients and their families both physically and spiritually.

    Their music IS amazing!! Hearing you write about it brings back memories. Maybe you could bring some of it back to teach all of us. Ry could always get up there with you and teach it one Sunday, cuz you white boyz got rythum. HEEE heee hee. Blessings Jeff. Bye for now, Linds

  13. Hey Linds, I didn't realize that you've been to Africa in the past-- would be fun to hear about your experience. This place does more than just grow on you, it permeates your soul. As I told everyone yesterday, I fought back tears after work while writing of our experience in the OR. I was able to Skype with Jen just a few minutes ago, and actually shed a few tears while giving her the inside scoop. I'm sure most of that is because of the busyness of the week and less than ample sleep, but I believe also I am becoming a different person. Too bad God had to send me to the jungle to get my attention... I have plans for your hubby here, and hope God will pull at his heart and free him from his schedule, even if it's only for a couple of weeks. It's hard to describe, but there is a vibe here that would feed the fire that is already part of his personality. I have been a small part of some cases here that can only be explained by Gods power. I keep reminding people that I am not a bone Dr! Thanks for you prayers and time spent to stay in touch. Jeff
