Our family's heart is filled with the hope of our calling in Christ Jesus and we want to share! Our home town and now Hope Clinic is where we are called. We want to share our adventure with you!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's Time For Me to Fly...

A little music trivia quiz for you bloggers-- Who sang the the title of today's blog? There will be a prize for the first correct answer--on the blog! Well, we are in Conakry, arriving safely this am after driving twelve hours yesterday, and four more this am. I have had the pleasure of staying in the Westlake's apartment for the day which is overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. We had pizza for lunch, and then did a little souvenir shopping in the market. The plan is for dinner tonight, and then they will drop me off at the airport for my 11pm flight to Paris. The plan is for me to hit PDX @ 7:30pm, Wednesday nite. The Lord has been gracious these past few days, which has been evident in many sincere "goodbyes" with patients, clinic staff, new friends, and safety on the roads. This blog has been a direct avenue by which to stay in communication with family and friends, serve as a great reminder of my experiences while in Guinea, and hopefully, it has glorified God in the manner in which his power, grace, and love have been reflected in print. I am eternally grateful to all of you who have travelled with me and to those who have cared for my family while I was absent. Our Father will reward all of you for your faithful prayers. My hope is to get a chance to visit with all of you soon after returning home to give you a good report of the Lord's work in Africa. God bless, Jeff


  1. Thanking the Lord for giving you safe traveling so far and praying your flights will be safe as well. Looking forward to seeing you again soon and hearing more about your trip. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and adventures in Africa with this blog. What memories to cherish. You must be overflowing with thankfulness and the joy of the Lord. Love you, Mom

    1. The return trip home went as seamlessly as the trip to Guinea, with the exception of one of my bags not making it back to PDX-- fortunately all the souvenirs for the kids and Jen were in the other bag that did make it back! The blog was an opportunity to share what God had placed on my heart on a daily basis, certainly things that if i had waited until to write down, would not have been as complete. Thank you for your faithful love and prayers, and for sharing the scripture that God made evident to you. Im amazed at the times that He led you and I to be reading the same words. The joy I have in my heart cannot be described in words, only savored, and hopefully demonstrated in my daily life. Love, Jeff

  2. Jeff,

    I wish I would have joined this earlier, but I've spent a quiet evening at home reading about this amazing journey. I'm so glad you were willing and able to use your talent to help these people in great need. I know first hand that you are an amazing surgeon, as you have helped my family a couple of different times and I will be forever grateful. You and Jen do so much for our community. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. It has touched me and is a reminder of how truly blessed I am.

    I'm amazed you went that long without a diet mountain dew!!

    Judy Urness

    1. Judy, Glad you had the opportunity to ride along with me-- what an amazing ride! I cheated and had several Cokes and Fanta Orange drinks! I didn't have milk for a month, and wow, did it taste good last night when i got back! God was gracious in allowing me this opportunity and His protection while traveling and living there. Definitely great to be home with Jen and the boys! Will have to talk with you and Mike soon. God bless, Jeff

  3. Reo Speedwagon
    Jill and I have been reading your posts each day with excitement and praise. I love the man God has molded you into and feel very blessed that you shared your time/experiences/blessings with us. Jesus told Peter if you love me, feed my sheep. You have touched many lives, and fed many souls in Africa and back home. Thank you for being willing to move when God pushed you. Thank you for taking the risk to feed his sheep. Thank you for being willing to share your heart. I know you have encouraged/blessed many but I want to say thank you for letting us be a part and be blessed.

    1. Scott, Well done on the trivia question-- you are the blog winner! Now I have to figure out what that means... I'm new to this blog thing... I thought I understood what it meant to be sold out to God, but had much to learn, and still do. However, I now understand what it means for His mind to be my heartbeat. Thanks for all of the support and prayers that you and Jill provided for me while I was gone. We need to get together soon and catch up. God bless, Jeff

  4. Cant wait to see you face buddy, hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I assume this is Ryan! My face is no better than when I left... but it will be great to catch up with you again. Love ya man, Matty

  5. I know you are still flying and I'm praying for you today. In my reading I also thought of you. Col. 2:6-7 "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Also in Acts 4:20 where Peter and John responded with; "We cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." Welcome home with love, hugs, and blessings! Mom

    1. My reunion was sweet with Jen and the kids last night at PDX. We drove the kids to school this am, and then Jen and I got to go thru all of my pics at a coffee shop. Pictures truly speak louder than words, I am so thankful for what God has allowed me to experience, and what he has done in the transformation of my heart. It is quite true, His love and joy are overflowing from my lips. Oh that what is said will glorify His name and be a blessing to all who hear. Hope to catch up with you and Dad soon. Love Jeff
